Friday, April 29, 2011

です / じゃりません and はい / いいえ

Ok, so this blog is more like a personal log, since I hate hand-writing things. But I figured it doesn't hurt much to let other people see it too (if anyone even reads this blog that is). Anyway, learning some grammar finally. Learned a few words as well, 3 of which I kind of already know, and 1 of which I did not... all of which I learned how to properly use in a simple sentance/question. It's actually more than 4, but the 4 are the main ones.

Anyway, the words are: です (desu) じゃりません (jarimasen) はい (hai (yes)) いいえ (iie (no)) か (ka). Now はい and いいえ are pretty easy; simple yes or no. です basically means "it is" while じゃりません is the opposite, or "it is not". And lastly, か is used at the end of a sentence to make it a question; the same as a "?" in English.

There're also a few nouns I've learned:
ぶどう = grapes
みかん = tangerine
いちご = strawberry
かぶちゃ = pumpkin
りんご = apple
もも = peach
ねこ = cat
いぬ = dog

So in other words, to ask if something is a dog ("Is it a dog?") I would say "いぬ です か". and to respond, I would say "はい、いぬ です" if it is, or "いいえ、いぬ じゃりません" if it isn't. Pretty simple really. Basically it's the way Yoda speaks... for the most part.

I've also started learning some 感じ (かんじ (kanji)). Or more accurately, Kanji particles. The actual kanji will be a little different, and I haven't gotten to it just yet, so that'll be another post. Anyway, short post this time, but that's what I've been learning so far.

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